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Breast Cancer

What is breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer affecting women in Malaysia. About one in 19 women in this country are at risk, compared to one in eight in Europe and the United States. Breast cancer is a malignant (cancerous) tumor that starts from cells of the breast.The disease occurs mostly in women, but men can get breast cancer too. The information here refers only to breast cancer in women.

Woman's breast is made up of glands that make breast milk (lobules), ducts (small tubes that carry milk from the lobules to the nipple), fatty and connective tissue, blood vessels, and lymph (pronounced limf) vessels. Most breast cancers begin in the cells that line the ducts (ductal cancer), some begin in the lobules (lobular cancer), and the rest in other tissues.

Type of breast cancer.

1. Carcinoma in situ : This term is used for early stage cancer, when it is confined to the place where it started. In breast cancer, it means that the cancer is confined to the ducts or the lobules.
2. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): This is the most common type of noninvasive breast cancer. DCIS means that the cancer is confined to the ducts.
3. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS): This condition begins in the milk-making glands but does not go through the wall of the lobules.
4. Invasive (infiltrating) ductal carcinoma (IDC): This is the most common breast cancer. It starts in a milk passage or duct, breaks through the wall of the duct, and invades the tissue of the breast.
5. Invasive (infiltrating) lobular carcinoma (ILC): This cancer starts in the milk glands or lobules. It can spread to other parts of the body.

Causes of breast cancer

Definite cause/s still unknown but certain risk factor has been linked to it.Risk factor is anything that increased the chance someone get the illness.Some risk factor are fix like age, sex and some are can be controlled.

Fix Risk Factor

* Age-The older you get the more chance you have.Women age more 50 years old have 8-10 times fold more chance of get it compare to younger age.
* Women-women has 100 times more risk than men.
* Family history-if you have family history of breast cancer,you are at a high risk get the cancer.
* Past history of Breast cancer-if you was diagnosed to have breast cancer before than you are prone to get it on the same breast or the other one.
* Menstrual period-the early you have your menarche(1st period),you are slightly high risk get it when you are older.
* Genetic factor-5%-10% link to mutation of gene and breast cancer.BRCA1 and BRCA2 are 80% the involve genes.

Changeable risk factor

* Breast feeding-women who breast fed their child 1-2 years will lower the risk of get breast cancer.
* Alcohol-women who have 2-5 drink daily have 1.5 chance than women who not consume alcohol.
* Exercise-women who do exercise will reduce the risk of getting breast cancer.The more you exercise the lower the risk. The question is how much we need to exercise. Study shown exercise 30 minutes per day for 5 days is enough.


Symptoms of breast cancer

The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass. A lump that is painless, hard, and has uneven edges is more likely to be cancer. But some cancers are tender, soft, and rounded. So it's important to have anything unusual checked by your doctor.

Other signs of breast cancer include the following:

1. a swelling of part of the breast
2. skin irritation or dimpling
3. nipple pain or the nipple turning inward
4. redness or scaliness of the nipple or breast skin
5. a nipple discharge other than breast milk
6. a lump in the underarm area