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General Mental Health

I am not suffering from a mental illness. So am I mentally healthy?
How can I work toward and maintain a healthy mind?

I am not suffering from a mental illness. So am I mentally healthy?

* No, Mental Health Is Not An Absence Of Mental Illness.
* It is very important for us to understand what mental health really means.
* Mental health means the ability to maintain harmonious relationship with others, able to take part in community activities, and ability to contribute to community.(Definition by WHO).
* Definition of Mental Health according to the Malaysian Mental Health Policy: "Mental Health is the capacity of the individual, the group and the environment to interact with one another to promote subjective well being and optimal functioning, and the use of cognitive, affective and relational abilities, towards the achievement of individual and collective goals consistent with justice". (Adapted from Canada )
* In short you are mentally healthy if you.
o Feel good about yourself
o Feel comfortable with others
o Feel comfortable with the environment
o Are able to meet the demands of life
* A mentally healthy person maintains a good biological , psychological, sociological and spiritual functioning.

How can I work toward and maintain a healthy mind?

* You can maintain or further enhance your mental health by following the recommended tips and guidelines.