This also further produce toxic fumes.
New legislation requires that the polymerization process conducted in a closed environment, and that steam cleaned, captured, or neutralized before discharge into the atmosphere.
Acrylic plastics manufacturing involves a highly toxic material carefully need storage, handling and disposal.
Polymerization process that can cause an explosion if not monitored correctly.

In a place, acrylic plastic, such as other plastics, not easily biodegradable.
Acrylic plastic is very flammable and must be protected from sources of ignition.
Acrylic plastic is not easily recyclable. This is considered a group 7 plastic among recycled plastics and is not collected for recycling in most communities.
Large pieces can be reformed into other useful objects if they are not suffering too much stress, crazing, or cracking, but this accounts for only a very small portion of the acrylic plastic waste.