This may be toxins, chronic viral infection, or both.

chronic diseases
Second, the immune system must be returned to the country that work - immune reconstitution.
Every so often, this step may be enough to reverse a disease state.
Our increasingly polluted and toxic environment harms the immune system more profoundly than is usually recognized by the medical profession.
The failure of immunity to different kinds of pain and immune recovery without chronic diseases can not be fixed.
Most of the therapy, particularly cancer, is directed toward treating the symptoms but not the cause of the disease.
Such treatment may offer temporary remission, but the failure rate is high.
Compromised or dysfunctional immune system is recognized as the main components of most chronic diseases.
This system takes the burden of maintaining the health and proper functioning of the whole body.

chronic diseases
Part of this includes the induction of natural killer cells.
With cancer is often needed to overcome the defense system of tumor that has been developed to protect themselves.
These defenses often tumor manipulation of immune function, such as the production of suppressor T cells to counter the attack of natural killer cells.
We call the fourth modality contrasuppression from the immune system.
With the maintenance and repair in place now have hope for the success of cancer therapy.
However, severe disease, such as cancer, often require more. Therefore, the third aspect is a special program intended immune stimulation of the disease itself.
In the case of cancer, the IRC hopes technology that attacks the immune rejection in the tumor itself is similar to the reaction found in organ and tissue transplant rejection.