For all drugs, including cancer, only after a clinical trial to follow strict guidelines set by regulatory agencies such as FDA.
Until now most of the mandate of the immune therapy will be tested only after failure of conventional chemotherapy.

At present this patient who suffered serious depression, a result of the second cancer.
Conditions like this is extraordinary, immune therapy can be used as the first line treatment, before chemotherapy, radiation, and also some of the operation, which menampilakan face is more active.

KeKebal correction has been achieved, so that the immune system in the body can stimulate or increase activity.
Do with how many options with how to use cytokines such as Il-2, Interferon alpha, tumor necrosis factor, a GM colony stimulating factor and others.
The goal is to remove a tumor rejection reaction, very similar to the network transplant rejection.
This terminology is classified as a hypersensitivity reaction.