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In the event of angina arteriosclerosis

Chest pain is the primary symptom of chest pain of angina is a symptom of angina

Angina - a sense of pain, weight, difficulty, squeezing in the chest on fire - an indication that the patients have heart disease and be at risk of heart attack.

When angina occurs arteriosclerosis has so many causes narrowing of the artery insufficiency that they can not provide the Blood To: P ON heart muscle during exercise.

Pain may spread to arms, neck, jaw, stomach Danijel face. Pada is part of the Sick, persistent dull. Some Pada boring is the Sick ITU, Ongoing.

Dr Tony Gershlick, Consultant Cardiologist and Senior Lecturer at the University Hospital of Leicester, said: "Very Angina can weaken the quality and results, Back Life And Shares What exercise can do And Return name and can impact ON diagnosed It Back in morbidity and mortality name .

Initial condition is usually caused by physical exhaustion Created, Temperature extreme emotional stress when the heart demands more oxygen Big Maka dari Blood The available supply.