The whole dried plant Abrus cantoniensis Hance called Canton Love-pes Vine.
While the content of flavonoids are found in fruits, vegetables and also in beverages that have a variety of biochemical and influence of antioxidant benefits. The amount of food greater than with vitamin C and vitamin E.
Antioxidant activity of flavonoids depends on the molecular structure and molecular characteristics and flavonoid found in many fruits and beverages that have the potential antioxidant activity, such as tea, red wine, and soy.
Meant pulchellus, or pulchellin, are heterodimeric glycoproteins found in the seeds of A. pulchellus. Chimerolectins These, like all the rip-2 type, characterized as highly toxic proteins with enzymatic and lectin properties performed by two separate polypeptide subunits.
Meant Antioxidants are substances that can delay or prevent the occurrence of free radical reactions in antioksidasi lipid oxidation.
The definition of disease is a degenerative disease that accompany aging. There are about 50 degenerative diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke and osteoporosis.
The definition of Biochemistry is the chemistry of materials and processes that occur in living bodies; as an attempt to understand the chemical processes of life from the side. "
Abrus cantoneinsis also reportedly contain a lot of flavonoids in roots and leaves, besides Abrus pulchellus also widely reported because it can serve as immunoconjugates and potential as therapeutic agents and provide non-specific immune response in vitro.
The definition of metabolism is in the sense that simply represents the rate of burning calories the body so that energy generated.
Time purine metabolism of substances originating from the food we eat is called uric acid. This is also a byproduct from the breakdown of cells in the blood.
The role of antioxidants is very important in dampening the effects of free radicals is closely linked to the occurrence of degenerative diseases like high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes and cancer based on biochemical processes in the body. Free radicals are continuously generated during normal metabolic processes, considered as the cause of the damage function of body cells that eventually become a trigger degenerative disease.