Quantum chemistry is: An application of quantum mechanics in chemistry.
Quantum chemistry allows us to understand and predict the structure, properties and reaction mechanism of various materials. For this purpose, the math becomes a very important tool.
Rapid developments in modern computational tools in the last few years has provided an important expansion in the scope of quantum chemistry. In this section, we will see what can be explained
and predicted after we study the quantum chemistry.
Understanding Computing is Computing (sub-field of computer science and mathematics) or as a way to solve a problem from the input data using algorithms.
The algorithm is a row of understanding the steps that change the basic calculation of input (from some mathematical function) into outputs.
- Multiplication
Input: positive integers a, b
Output: a X b
Multiplication algorithm:
Case in point: a = 365, b = 24
Method 1: 365 * 24 = 365 + (365 * 23)
= 730 + (365 * 22)
... ..
= 8760 + (365 * 0)
= 8760
Method 2: 3 6 5
2 4
1 4 6 0
7 3 0
8 7 6 0
When we look back a few years ago, calculation and computation is generally done using pen and paper, or chalk and slate, or done mentally, sometimes with the aid of a table. But now, most computing was done using computer - a technological advancement which create multiple problems of our lives for the better and easier.
Expression is a way of writing for the grant or enter into the value of variable
The definition of variables is a place to hold a value in the computer memory. For more accessible, given the variable name. These names will become the identifier of a variable, say a = 4, this means that the name is a variable and its value is 4.