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Reversing Cancer
Methylglyoxal Cells to get the brakes on cancer
Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was the Nobel prize in Medicine in 1937 for the isolation and discovery of vitamin C. Known as the "Father of Science of nutrition", she also found iso-flavones and vitamin P. In the last 40 years, her research that the process of cell growth, and thus the regulation of cancer itself.
Dr Albert make a significant breakthrough extraordinary about cancer. In 1963 the prestigious magazine "Science" published a remarkable article about the research.
In Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi identified two substances, one called Retine, which inhibited the growth of cancer, and the other called Promine, which promoted cell growth and make cancer cells grow more quickly.
Dr. Albert, explained that this is a small molecule that is very effective in controlling cell division. His research using mice achieved shrinkage of Tumors by increasing the ratio Retine to Promine with daily injections of Retine.