General "Science" article in 1967 he announced that the laboratory had isolated and manufactured Retine, which retards the growth of cells, in the form of a Carbonyl compound called Methylglyoxal.
In animal studies show that it is injecting Methylglyoxal daily into mice with cancer it is very effective. This study is divided into 5 groups each of 20 mice. Each mouse in the control group died at 26 - 34 days. All the mice observed for 300 days. The first group began treatment 1 hour after inoculation with cancer. 15 survived.
In the second group, beginning treatment 4 hours after inoculation, 13 animals survived. The third group started 24 hours after treatment and 7 survived. Fourth group waited 48 hours and 4 survived.
An interview in Prevention magazine in 1972 conducted by Jane Kinderlehrer, he explained that he and "Dr. Egyud have found that retine (methylglyoxal) stops the growth of cancer cells without poisoning other cells. Retine When it is in sufficient concentration, no cell division can occur while vital cellular processes go on unhindered. "

The article goes on, "What good is a bit of luck, and I do not cleverness, the white scientist said," is that if cancer cells can not grow, it dies by itself. According to the researchers, retine usually produced by the body, and when, he was preventing the growth of cancer cells. But the body can lose its ability to produce this material ...
"Exercise is retine back in the body, such as we put insulin back into the body of diabetes, can stop the growth of cancer ... Scientists at Woods Hole found that cancer cells that are far more sensitive to retine than usual, and so cancer cells can be inhibited specifically. "
For that amount, the Carbonyl group - Glyoxal & Methylglyoxal, are retine. They arrest cell division and make cells return to resting state. If Carbonyl is missing, uncontrolled proliferation running, and cells grow wildly and uncontrollably which leads to cancer. Glyoxal & Methylglyoxal is non-toxic substance that should be in the cells. Putting them back in the cells with significant anti-cancer activity.

Other famous Nobel Prize winners that period, Dr. William Koch, worked on the same issue with a different approach. Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi acknowledged his work saying, "A decade ago, a very intuitive researcher, Dr. William F. Koch, came to the same conclusions about the possible importance of Carbonyls in regulation and carcinostasis cell division."
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