Cancer Strategies: A weakened Immune System Leads To Cancer ...
A Strong Immune System to search and destroy cancer cells
Immune system has been successful with the cancer cells, killing them because they were not developed. That's its job. For cancer to have developed in your immune system must be worn out, ineffective and unable to deal with cancer cells.
It is important to strengthen the immune system so it can better fight cancer. Especially if you get the medical care that wipe out the immune system, and make the body more acidic boot.
Many natural supplements support the immune system. The trick is to find and use the people that work the best, because it's easy to squander resources on products that will not get the job done. The other is to make sure you take enough. Cancer is not something to around the red-faced. Take 5 to 10 times its normal amount of additional work seems best when using natural supplements.
Natural Therapies 11 e-book provides seven or eight of the best immune system is given, and even tells you the most important is first used.
Cancer: Candida And Fungal Infections May Cause Cancer ...
Eliminate this Fungal Infections Is Vital For Getting rid of Cancer
Some doctors theorize that Candida causes or systemic fungal infection or in the very least contribute to the development of cancer. This makes sense. A wide body of Candida infection plays havoc on the immune system. Not only the immune system become overwhelmed and worn out of the fight against infection, but Candida (or other fungus), which further weaken and remove toxins dangerous to the body.
Candida main waste product is acetaldehyde, which produces ethanol. Ethanol may be great in the car, but in the body that cause excessive fatigue, and reduce the strength and durability. In addition, the enzymes needed for cell energy, and causes the release of free radicals that can damage DNA.
Ethanol also inhibits the absorption of iron. Because iron is one of the most important oxygen supports in the blood, ethanol in your body create a low oxygen level. And you know what happens if your body can not oxygenate well. Candida-related if you want to beat cancer.
Some doctors implicate fungi as a cause of leukemia. In 1999 Meinolf Karthaus, MD, watched the three children with leukemia suddenly go into remission upon receiving three antifungal drug cocktail for their "secondary" fungal infections.
In 1997 Mark Bielski stated that leukemia, whether acute or chronic, is intimately associated with the yeast, Candida albicans, which mutates into fungal form when overgrows.

Milton White, MD. believe that cancer is a chronic, infectious, fungus disease. He can find fungal spores in every sample of cancer she learned network. Other doctors feel the same. Cancer is one strategy to fight italian MD is using to attack by Candida alkalinizing the digestive system. He has his patients drink a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, baking soda, a glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast. Some of his patients eliminate their cancer just doing this. We suggest using at least 3 teaspoons a day, and have heard of people using as much as 10 teaspoons being used daily in 5 quarts of water.
Author Doug Kaufmann asserts that fungi in foods may play a role in cancer. He has seen children become free of their documented leukemia once the child's parents simply changed the child's diet. Kaufmann's diet is base on the widely published problem of mycotoxin contamination of our grain foods.
Grains such as corn, wheat, barley, sorghum, and other foods such as peanuts, are commonly contaminated with cancer-causing fungal Poisons called mycotoxins. One of them, called aflatoxin, just happens to be the most carcinogenic substance on earth.
He says we consume, on average, from 0.15mg to 0.5mg of aflatoxin per day. So it is not sugar alone that is the problem in our western diet, but fungal toxins that are found in the sugary grains. More than once has Kaufmann interviewed a caller (on his health talk show) who absolutely craved peanut butter and popcorn just prior to their diagnosis of cancer.
Kaufmann feels that antibiotics may play a role in this. Antibiotics destroy the normal, protective gut bacteria, allowing intestinal yeast and fungi to grow unchecked. Resulting in Candida overgrowth. This can lead to Immune suppression, symptoms of autoimmune diseases, or even cancer.

"If the ONSET of any symptom or disease, cancer included, was preceded by a course of antibiotics," he says, "then look for a fungus to be at the root of your problem."
In the 11 Natural Therapies e-book you will read about a simple and free test you can give yourself to see if indeed you have Candida overgrowth. And then learn what is the single best product to fight the Candida. (It will help kill cancer cells too!)