Synonym: Acid Red 97, [1.1 '-Biphenyl] -2.2'-disulfonicacid, 4.4 '-bis [(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl) azo] -, disodiumsalt, acid red anthracene GA-CF , red chrome alizarine G, GM airedale scarlet, scarlet altochrome G, amacid a scarlet G, G anthra in red, a red azo G, GS benzyl red, red belacid appellative G, CI 22890, a GP coomassie scarlet, scarlet fast cyanine GR , naphthalene red leather G, optanol scarlet R, G pharmaglo red, red polycor GS, GS supranol scarlet, red tetracid AGE, is widely used:
Molecular formula: C32H22N4O8S2Na2
CAS No: 10169-02-5
EINECS No: 233-439-3

Visible: solid
Melting point:
Boiling point:
Vapor density:
Density (g cm-3):
Flash point:
Explosion limits:
Autoignition temperature:
Water solubility:
Stable. Opposite with strong oxidizing agents.
Danger or something with the act - not all toxicology investigated.
Risk phrases
Transportation information
Non-hazardous for air, sea and road freight.