Metallurgy through three stages, namely:
a. Ore concentration
In the rocks contain no valuable ore called Baturaja
(Gangue). Ore concentration aims to get rid of as much as possible
baturaja. Seeds are crushed and milled so that the grain regardless of

Separation can then be done by physical as flotation
(Flotation) or withdrawal of the magnet.
In the process of flotation, ore that has been destroyed given a particular oil. Minerals will be attached to the foam so that regardless of baturaja or baturaja will be attached to the foam.
b. Smelting
Smelter (smelting) is the ore reduction process so that the metal elements that can use a variety of substances such as carbide, hydrogen, an active metal or by electrolysis. Election peredusi substance depends on the reactivity of each substance. The more difficult the more active metal is reduced,
thus it needs a more powerful reducing agent.
Metals that are less active case of copper and gold can be reduced just by heating. Metal with medium reactivity, such as iron, nickel and tin can be reduced denagn carbon, being active metals such as magnesium and almuinium can be reduced by electrolysis. Often the process of fusion plus
flux, ie a substance that binds the impurities and form a substance that is easier
melt, which disebutt erak.
c. Purification
Purification (refining) is the adjustment of the composition of impurities in the crude metal.
Some ways of purification:
Electrolysis, for example refining copper and nickel.
Distillation, such as purification of zinc and mercury.
Re smelting, such as purification of iron.
Purification of the zone, which is a modern way that implemented in the purification