Tropism is part of the body movement of plants in which direction the movement is influenced by stimuli outside the body that comes from these plants.
Response of plants to external stimuli such padaumumnya
A. Change form
B. Movement
C. Change color
D. Latex production
Following stimulation from outside influence causing plant response, except:
A. Pest
B. Gravitation
C. Light
D. Water
Negative Geotropisme a response in plants in the form ....
A. Opening closed leaves at night
B. Shoot growth
C. The fall of the fruit from the stalks
D. Root growth
The roots of plants always grow downwards caused by stimulation:
A. Touch of soil
C. Gravity
B. Air Humidity
D. Light intensity
Closed leaves sikejut because touch merupakangerakan:
A. KemotaksisB. Fototropisme posistive
C. Negative Fototropisme
D. NastiJawaban
Which include irritability in plants is the following, except:
A. Sikejut leaves untouched contract
B. Leaf shoots grow towards light
C. Stem climbing to convolute
D. Trunk sway if it hit the water
Daughter leaves shut when touched is suatutanggapan ashamed to stimuli that include:
A. Tropism
C. Dynasty
B. Geotropisme
D. Fototropisme
Type of movement is classified iritabiltas are:
A. Tropism
C. Nasty
B. Taksis
D. All right
The motion is influenced by light stimuli is called:
A. Negative Fototropisme
B. Positive Fototropisme
C. KemotaksisD. FototropismeJawaban
Grain crops are grown shoots a motion:
A. Kemotaksis
B. Nasty
C. Positive Fototropisme
D. Negative Fototropisme